Review of "Awesome God" by Deji King

There is an attribute common to all the great musicians that have made names in entertainment industry. That is “Uniqueness of Style”. Deji king is a JujuGospel musician who has created his distinctive style which manifests in his debut single titled “Awesome God”, set to be released on Sunday, 30th of October, 2016.
The review of “Awesome God” by Deji King is written in full in the subsequent paragraphs.

“Awesome God” is based on praises of the Supreme Being. This is a universal theme, a kind which can be related to by young and old, male and female, Christian and Muslim since everybody has one reason or the other to sing praises of God.

The lyric of “Awesome God” is well crafted and Deji King expresses his dexterity by directing it towards the title of the song.
The title of the song is hooked as it is given a good melody and appears at the first line of the chorus.

One of the factors that give Deji King his uniqueness in the music industry is his voice. He is blessed with warm and expressive voice, and he makes use of this to his advantage on “Awesome God”.
The Verse section is rendered monophonically (single voice) while the chorus section is in homophonic texture (more than one voice) to build excitement and to lift the hook (awesome God) of the song.

The melody of “Awesome God” is attention-grabbing as Deji King creates different in each section (verse and chorus) of the song.

The instrumental background of “Awesome God” by Deji king is appealing and tells story. The accompaniment style of each section is distinct. The Verse is accompanied in a staccato style (detached notes) while the accompaniment style of the chorus is characterizes by fluidity. This is an element of contrast.

The overall design of “Awesome God” is;
Into- Verse1- Chorus -Instrumental Interlude- Verse2- Chorus.

In conclusion, Deji king really proves he has what it takes to be great in the music industry through his debut single, “Awesome God” and the song is worth being on the playlist of every person who see a necessity in praising the living God.

Read more about Deji King here

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